Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Healthy update!

I went to the doctor today for a baby check-up and all is well!  Two weeks ago I had my gestational diabetes screening done and thankfully that came back normal!! Phew!!  I'm always nervous for that test because with Ellie I was borderline the first time and so I had to take a true fasting glucose screening in which they found my glucose levels to be normal (I'm pretty sure the apple I ate on the way to the screening the first time was NOT a good idea!).  And I was especially nervous this time because I didn't realize I'd be having the testing done at that appointment and made cinnamon rolls before I left and ate WAY too much of the sugary, caramel before hopping in the car to my appointment!  But, alas, it was normal and I am off the hook!  So in celebration of my normal glucose levels I went out and had a bubble tea!  (That is no joke!)

At every OB appointment in Taiwan, an ultrasound is done to check growth, heartbeat etc.  And this time my doctor decided to pull out the 4D ultrasound probe and get some SUPER clear pictures of our baby's face!!  And so without further ado, here is the most clear shot (that's her arm covering half her face):

If I get around to it, I will scan in the others and post some of them, but some are weird as she moved a little.  ISN'T THAT AMAZING!?!  

In preparation for this new little one that now has a face, we have moved Siri out of the crib (finally) and into a twin bed.  In fact, Ellie also advanced to a twin bed as she was in a toddler bed before.  So here is what their bedroom now looks like:

It's basically the same picture, just from different locations!  Do you like the siderails?  That was all Joe (oh yes, with Robb's help!).  

We are basically ready for this little one to arrive, but she is not so we are hoping she does stay where she's at until 10/10!  But after seeing her face, that 8 week wait just got harder!!

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